We're giving away one of Airflo's relatively new Rage Compact floating skagit head lines. This new type of compact skagit head was designed by Tim Rajeff of Rajeff Sports and Tom Larimer to fill a void in the world of compact skagit heads. As Tom puts it, "what [he] really wanted was a Spey line built for surface and near-surface presentations that bucked like a Skagit but still had the finesse of a Scandi."

As I'm certainly no expert in the world of compact skagit heads, I can't list all of the ways this versatile new floating head can be utilized. However, the Rage Compact is a versatile line to say the least, with applications in both floating line and light sinking leader spey presentations and switch rod presentations. We're giving away the Rage Compact in 480 grains. It is a 30ft head. This should be good for switch and spey rods in sizes 6-8, though personal preferences will allow you to expand on these suggested sizes if you know what you're doing.

To throw your hat in the ring for the giveaway, you need only do two things. First, Follow us on Twitter or Like our Facebook page. Please write a tweet or wall post linking to the contest. Second, post a comment below (you can login with Facebook to do so if you don't feel like registering, sorry no Twitter signin yet) telling us how and where you'll use Airflo's Rage Compact. Those outside the US should feel free to enter, we're happy to ship anywhere.

For more info on the Airflo Rage Compact, check out designer Tom Larimer's post about developing this new skagit head.


Hat officially in ring. I already follow you guys on Twitter, so that's done.

I'd love to give this thing a shot on my switch rod with a polyleader fishing for bill fall trout on CT's Farmington River.

how will I use this thing? I'll use to to finally entice a steelhead to take a swung dry, that's how!

I,d use this badboy on the lower Deschutes or Klick when the afternoon winds come up and kick you ass!!

Mike, surely you mean W-I-N-D. No?

I want to use this to hone my steelhead skills on just about any area river (I live in SW Washington).

I would launch this thing on the lower deschutes, grande ronde, or the main salmon or clearwater in Idaho. Im like the steelhead whore, where they swim, I follow.

I started making bamboo rods this April and just finished a 12'4"
7 weight with splice joints and this shooting head would be perfect on it! Ill be swingin on the N. Santiam and the Sandy. It would be awesome for migrating rainbows and browns back home in the Tetons!

Bamboo spey built for skagit heads, eh? I can't imagine there's many of those out there.

we'll see how she does! very slow action.

I'll be using it to fish for big lake browns in Western NY!

Gonna use it for catching my first steelhead in the coastal rivers of the PNW.

I'm going to use it on the Hood River, to catch my first steelhead.

Okay, we did a random drawing of the entries and William Sender of Western, NY was selected as the winner of the Rage Compact Floating Skagit head.

William, please use the contact form linked from the menu to send us your address information and we'll get the Rage Compact on its way.

congrats! let us know how she swings!

Thanks guys! I'm really looking forward to getting this line. I contacted the site via the link provided, let me know if you got my contact information!

Actually, William, we didn't get it. You used the contact form linked from the menu bar towards the top of the page?

Anyway, here's the link: Contact Us.

Nevermind. We got it.

This new Skagit head should be perfect for the new 7 wt switch rod I just built for myself. Thanks Airflow!
