The next morning I got up early and headed to Mikey’s. He didn’t answer when I called so I banged on the door some.
“Jesus, Jarl. It’s date morning don’t you know, just me and the missus…”
“Uh, huh.”
He looked closely at me. “You look like hell.”“The Devils’ pawn anyway. Suit up.”
It took him about five minutes, so I figured date morning wasn’t a total wash. On the way up, I explained it to him.
“Case D, Case C was a screw job and you are still stuck in the cross hairs. But now you got two devils.”
“Ayuh.”“What do you figure?”
“I figure the screwballs ain’t got it, we ain’t got it, and my well-dressed new best friends ain’t got it.” I patted the dog sitting between us for emphasis.
“It’s still on the mountain.”
“Now you got it,” I said.