Todd Tanner's blog

Can fly fishing for trout change your life?

Why do 7 million anglers pick up a fly rod and go fishing every year?
Angler Chris Elbow on an Oregon spring creek (photo: Jeremy Roberts / Conservation Media).

As 2025 gathers speed, the media is awash in stories about our favorite sports and activities. And yet in spite of its popularity with celebrities, and its ubiquity in television commercials, fly fishing receives relatively little attention. So why do more than 7 million Americans pick up a fly rod and go fishing every year? What’s so appealing about the sport? Let’s delve a little deeper.

For those about to shop

Hard truths about the holiday season
Photo: Chad Shmukler.

Let’s face it. Most fly fishers won’t have visions of sugar-plums dancing through their heads during the wee hours of Christmas Eve. Truth be told, most of the anglers I know will be dreaming of new rods, reels, and other gear. Gear is almost always our focus as we prepare to celebrate the arrival of jolly old Saint Nicholas.

And yet gear may well be the last thing we need right now.

Danger, Will Robinson!

There are many threats facing hunting and fishing, but what's the biggest one?
Photo: Todd Tanner.

Have you ever wondered about our future as anglers and hunters, or about the legacy we’ll leave behind for our kids and grandkids? If you care about the great outdoors, or about our sporting heritage and traditions, there are a few simple questions you might want to ask yourself right now.

First, is poor management of our public lands, coupled with lack of access to those same public lands, the largest threat to our hunting and fishing?

10 things we can do to protect our fisheries in 2024

Angler activism takes many forms, here are just a few
The North Umpqua Wild and Scenic River in Oregon (photo: Bob Wick / BLM).

It’s 2024 and far too many of our fisheries here in the U.S. are in serious trouble. Fortunately, there are some positive steps each of us can take going forward. While not every suggestion below will be a good fit for every single angler, be sure to check as many as possible off the list this year.

The yard list

Taking stock of what's important
Photo: Todd Tanner

Most of us live in cities. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 80% of Americans currently reside in urban areas. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that, I suppose, other than that cities are so … limiting. Sure, you can shop to your heart’s content or visit any number of restaurants, bars and clubs. You have your choice of gyms and coffee shops and schools for your kids. And yet the very essence of city life is defined by concrete, steel and asphalt.

The future of fly fishing rests in our hands

The answer is blowin’ in the wind
Sunset on the South Fork of the Snake River in Idaho (photo: Bob Wick/BLM cc2.0).

Let’s start off with two vital questions. What happened on August 16th, 2022? And will that date go down as the single most important day in the history of fly fishing?


Think back. Did someone land the world record brown trout last August? Invent the perfect fly rod? Design the ideal knot? Create the first unbreakable leader? Publish the ultimate book of fly fishing secrets?

No, it wasn’t any of those things.

Fishing crowded rivers and streams

Other wading and casting anglers might not have the outsized impact you think they do
Photo: Matt Shaw / Matt Shaw Creative.

When I was considerably younger and living approximately 2,000 miles east of my current Montana address, I had an experience that helped shape my ongoing fly fishing journey in ways I couldn’t really appreciate at the time.

Truckin' to the river

What a long, strange trip it's been
Photo: Jeremy Roberts / Conservation Media

My fly fishing is starting to rust. That’s never a good thing when you’re in love with your angling.

I’ll get back to the rust in a minute. First, though, I wanted to share a few things I’ve noticed over the years.

Fly fishing is more popular than ever

What are longtime anglers to do?
Photo: Chad Shmukler

While I’ve been sticking close to home for the last year or so, I keep hearing that I’m pretty much the only one. Reports from rivers across the West, ranging from the Frying Pan in Colorado, to Idaho’s South Fork of the Snake, to the Madison right here in Montana, are all in agreement. There are more fly fishers on the water than ever before.


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