Lead stinks. It's bad for fish. It's bad for birds. It's bad for people. It's toxic, nasty stuff that we shouldn't be happily tossing into our rivers and streams or sticking in our mouths. This is a fact that's been public knowledge for more than half a century and yet walk into your local fly shop today and chances are you'll still find lead split shot hanging on the wall and weighting down the weighted flies in the fly bin. Heck, walk down the conventional fishing tackle aisle at your local big box store and you'll find a veritable treasure trove of lead.
The reality is that, while we long ago abandoned lead in our pipes and our paint and our gasoline, the fishing industry has been slow to ditch lead. Perhaps, with the nation's largest sportfishing association openly advocating for the continued use of lead in fishing products because using tin and other alternative metals would cut into manufacturers' profit margins and make lures more expensive, this should come as little surprise.
And so, when a new company decides to ditch lead and offer anglers non-toxic, eco-friendly products, like Loon's new tin Black Drops and Camo Drops, we should take notice.
Tin shot isn't a new concept. Other brands like Orvis, Umpqua, Dinsmore and others have been offering tin shot for years. But more companies making tin shot means more anglers having access to it. And that's a good thing.
As their names likely makes clear, Loon's new tin split shot is available in black and camouflage, giving anglers numerous options when attempting to avoid spooking wary fish. Size options also abound.

Loon is also offering refill tubs. So, when you realize you use far more AB-sized shot than any other, you don't need to buy a whole new multi-pack, you can simply re-up on your favorite size.
Learn more about Loon's new Black Drops and Camo Drops.