Eddie Bauer made a bit of a splash last year when the nearly 100 year old retailer and manufacturer of outdoor gear and apparel announced it was getting back into the fly fishing business. The return of Eddie Bauer to fly fishing seems fall in line with other company actions -- such as the introduction of its very popular First Ascent line -- in recent years which are perceived to be part of an effort to return to its roots as a serious outdoor gear manufacturer, after languishing for the last couple of decades in more of fashion brand status.
After a long period of relative silence after its announced return to the world of fly fishing, Eddie Bauer recently made its full 2014 line of fly fishing products available in its Sport Shop, which also includes hunting and shooting apparel. The fly fishing line, at least for now, doesn't include the likes of rods and reels. The lineup of 14 products includes men's and women's apparel and the classically-styled Adventurer bag and pack series, which includes a boat bag, lumbar pack and chest pack.

The company wants fly fishermen and women to know they're serious about creating products for the industry and plans to expand its fly fishing lineup in coming seasons. CEO Mike Egeck noted, “Eddie Bauer prides itself on building innovative, functional products that enable our customers to live their adventure. For nearly two years, our team collaborated with the best experts to conceptualize, build and test these new Sport Shop products in the environment for which they are intended. That attention to detail and quality can be found in each piece.”
Sabrina FlyFishingChick replied on Permalink
I have a new Patagonia set. I need to see how EB compares as "made for women" lines. Happy to see it!