The EPA has extended the public comment period regarding whether large-scale open-pit mining should take place in Bristol Bay, Alaska. The EPA had been scheduled to close today the currently open comment period that began shortly after the release of its updated risk assessment regarding mining in the Bristol Bay region, but has now extended that comment period an additional month, through June 30th, 2013. The updated EPA risk assessment, released late last month, paints a grim picture for the wild salmon of Bristol Bay should an accident -- common in mining operations -- occur during mining activity. Even without a mining accident, the assessment indicates that construction of a mine at the site of the Pebble deposit would destroy almost 30 miles of salmon streams and rivers as well as almost 5,000 acres of wetland habitat.

The foreign corporate entity that is currently exploring mining the Pebble deposit, the Pebble Limited Partnership (PLP), recently released a statement providing information on the number of jobs that would be created if a mine were to go forward. The statement was sharply criticized by organizations such as Trout Unlimited. Trout Unlimited Alaska Director Tim Bristol noted, "Pebble consistently claims they don’t have a mine plan so it’s hard to comment on a study that makes up job creation numbers based on a phantom mine. If Pebble wants to engage in this debate, they need to admit they have a plan and share it with the public.”
Bristol continued, "Pebble has a well-established track record of understating the costs and risks associated with a giant open-pit mine at Bristol Bay’s headwaters and exaggerating the benefits. This report is the latest example of this behavior. What we do know with certainty is that painstakingly peer reviewed science tells us these guys will put 14,000 real-world jobs out of commission. PLP can tout all the numbers it wants, but it won’t change the fact that the Pebble Mine is simply a risk not worth taking."
Those who have yet to comment but would like to can do so while simultaneously being entered for a chance to win the fishing trip of a lifetime, at Crystal Creek Lodge in Bristol Bay.
Also, be sure to check out Camille Egdorf's new short film (21 minutes), Forget Me Knot, of fishing and camp life on the Nushagak River in Bristol Bay, Alaska.
Lou of Spokane, WA. replied on Permalink
Ya know, I could, once again, get extremely angry at ALL the "Money Grabbers" in D.C. and around the Corporate Globe! Their main objectives are Self Serving in the most Greedy of Terms, and do irreparable harm most of the time! They say, "In the name of securing our energy independence," CODE for Their Own "Wealth Independence!" It has Always been, Is Now, and will Always Be, until there is NO MORE left to our "Home Planet" Left TO BE! I have Little Faith . . . hmmm, really, I have NO Faith whatsoever in those (supposedly) In Charge (?) of Our Humanity! Surely as I am breathing so-so cleanish air; "tomorrow?" the continuing destruction of each ecosystem niche, after niche, after niche . . . will CASCADE to the Very END! ! . . . and all the money in the destroyed world won't save ANY of us! I'd give it (at most) 100 years +/- ?
Lou Olton replied on Permalink
AGAIN, We the People, have to be the ones trying to Save this "Place" (The Planet)? What the Hell is wrong with all of YOU in D.C.? EPA ? Your a Joke, but most of Us realize that the "Republican'ts" in all their infinite Racist Rants will stop at nothing (not even self-destruction) to stop This President from serving the good people of this rapidly imploding Nation! Yes my choice of words has been well thought out; "they" have & are continuing (even after reelection) to do Everything in Their power to "Just say no" at every hint of something good "for the People" ! It's not just Pebble Bay, Damned You, it is every Thing associated with & to IT - All the Other PLACES - in just about every State! They all need Saving! BRISTOL BAY is SO MUCH MORE THAN A SYMBOLIC GESTURE! This Pebble Mine IS a disaster in the making (make No Doubt!) just like MANY FRACKING sites ARE and WILL become! HOW DARE YOU COWER to the Corporate Baffoons and WEAKEN ALL THE LAWS IN PLACE TO PROTECT AND SAFEGUARD "US ALL" from greed? How dare you allow "Them" to Underfund/Underman the EPA and other Agencies Designed to Protect US from ourselves - yes our Ever Greedy little selves !? This is just Stupid; I'm totally wasting my time here, No one is listening, No one is learning! How many mistakes is enough; how much polluted ground water is enough; how much toxic nuclear waste seepage is enough; how much CO2 is enough; how many extinct species are enough; how much climate change and any associated Disasters (lives) are enough ? ? ? ? ? ? The Oceans, Lakes and Rivers ARE Changing, the Air we breathe IS Changing! Hope you all at the EPA and Congress have a wonderful Summer recess, your so so very deserving with all the terrific accomplishments you've achieved (in the past 4+ yrs.) in D.C. (Dysfunctional Chambers).