The kids are right: Montana Supreme Court rules in landmark climate case

Montana's highest court affirms state's responsibility to act on climate change
held v. montana ruling
Photo: Todd Tanner.

In 2020, 16 young activists from Montana filed a historic lawsuit charging the state of Montana with violating its constitution by prioritizing fossil fuel development over the health and safety of its residents. The complaint filed by the “climate kids” seized on language enshrined in Montana’s constitution that guarantees Montanans “the right to a clean and healthful environment,” and further stipulates the government is responsible for preserving the environment “for present and future generations.” Though the case has been mired in court battles ever since, today Montana’s Supreme Court ruled in favor of the plaintiffs, affirming a district court decision from last year.

In their case, Held v. The State of Montana, the plaintiffs alleged that a provision added in 2011 to the Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEPA), aimed specifically at preventing climate change-related impacts from being taken into account during environmental feasibility and permitting reviews conducted by the state, was unconstitutional. That provision barred state environmental reviews from taking into consideration “actual or potential impacts beyond Montana’s borders,” adding that “it may not include actual or potential impacts that are regional, national, or global in nature.”

The plaintiffs also held that the state, through its promotion of fossil fuel use and extraction in state energy policy, was failing to meet its constitutional responsibility to Montana citizens.

In its 6-1 majority ruling upholding the plaintiffs’ case, the court used sometimes strikingly affirmative language. Regarding whether Montana’s constitutional responsibility to guarantee its residents a “clean and healthful environment” includes the state including climate-related impacts in its decision making, the court was unequivocal, stating that the “plaintiffs showed at trial—without dispute—that climate change is harming Montana’s environmental life support system now and with increasing severity for the foreseeable future. The State and its agencies have previously acknowledged such current and future impacts to the Montana environment stemming from climate change, many of which can already be increasingly seen today.3 Plaintiffs showed that climate change does impact the clear, unpolluted air of the Bob Marshall wilderness; it does impact the availability of clear water and clear air in the Bull Mountains; and it does exacerbate the wildfire stench in Missoula, along with the rest of the State.”

The court's ruling also declared the challenged MEPA provision, which prevents the state from taking climate change impacts into account when performing environmental reviews, to be unconstitutional and prohibited the state from acting in accordance with it.

“This is a monumental moment for Montana, our youth, and the future of our planet,” said Nate Bellinger, lead counsel to the plaintiffs. “Today, the Montana Supreme Court has affirmed the constitutional rights of youth to a safe and livable climate, confirming that the future of our children cannot be sacrificed for fossil fuel interests. This is a victory for young people and for generations to come. The court said loud and clear: Montana's Constitution does not grant the state a free pass to ignore climate change because others fail to act--this landmark decision underscores the state's affirmative duty to lead by example.”

Kian Tanner, one of the plaintiffs in the case and an avid fly angler, reacted to the news, telling Hatch Magazine “We have hope! Hope for a better future. Hope for a world where our kids and grandkids have the same opportunities to enjoy, and appreciate, a clean and healthy environment. This ruling will have a lasting impact on Montana’s future and the fight against a changing climate. I am beyond overjoyed by the Montana Supreme Court’s decision to hold our government accountable for their promotion of fossil fuels.”

This is a developing story and will be updated.


"Kian Tanner, one of the plaintiffs in the case and an avid fly angler, reacted to the news, telling Hatch Magazine “We have hope! Hope for a better future."

Ok, Kian, STOP using any and all things associated with fossil fuels. Ah yes, the typical simple-minded hypocrite will not do that! No more waders, no more fly rods, no more fly line & leader, no more hooks, no more cheeze fly-fishing cloths, no more artificial fly materials, no more traveling to your favor fishing hole, unless you are willing to walk naked and barefoot.

Sad that those that use the benefits of fossil fuel are so blind, they can't see past the noses. As for the kids, young and ignorant, who no doubt were pushed by their idiotic thinking parents to pursue this. If only all these hypocrites would try to live off the land without any benefit of fossil fuel, they just might learn how stupid their previous stance was. All I can say, is GIVE IT ALL UP! Yeah, right, huh!

Hey Rhiggs,
Your political rant misses the point of the lawsuit. Yes, we all benefit from fossil fuels, but that is Not what they sued over. Get the facts right before you do your political rant!

No this is the point Jim. These "activists" not victims never want to lead by example. They want to shut down Colstrip but its not like they have to pay the electric bill. And don't those fancy non recyclable windmills not function below freezing? How many days a year is Montana below freezing? The environmental party has no real plan other than unlimited taxation and power for our tyrannical govt.

LOL Jim. Political rant?? You can only actually read what you think you must hear, huh. Where did I mention ANY POLITICAL ideology? I only stated FACTS, and it is too bad my response was way over your head, or wasn't what you needed to hear to satisfy and support your political rant.

One can only hope this ruling will apply to the "Green Deal" as the facts are starting to show it is MUCH MORE harmful to clean air and water!

Perhaps this will be a challenge to other states that the health of thier citizens is more important than the companies who will expoit the natural resources for profit without regard for the public.

Yes, this also shows how we really Are the Divided States of America. If we were truly United, this would be a Continental effort to have a “clean and healthy” environment.

Jim, no amount of taxation or govt control will make a difference in "normalizing the weather". The science is far from settled both for causation as well as treatment. We are not willing to trade freedom for your idea of safety and security. Read a history book and see what happens when people do.

"If we were truly United, this would be a Continental effort to have a “clean and healthy” environment."

Hum, so how long have you been on this earth, as that effort has been around for 50+ years. Everyone I know want a clean and healthy environment but don't want to live in a cave to obtain it to the extreme these activists want. Apparently you do, huh. Feel free to do so, and take these activists with you.

Thank you for reporting on this. Glad 6 members of the Montana Supreme Court agreed that the relevant provisions of the state constitution actually mean what they would appear to mean on a straightforward reading of the text. A law forbidding consideration of climate impacts is not protecting people now or in the future. Nor does it protect a clean and safe environment. And people who fish should be among the first to recognize that.

16 Climate activists. A true statement. Not the victims they claimed to be in the lawsuit. Glad you left out the expert testimony that showed if we were carbon zero and completely off fossil fuels it wouldn't do anything on the global stage. So instead we get to grind to halt in all economic development. And believe me we will make sure the liberals in Bozeman and Missoula get exactly what they're asking for when it comes to developing their areas and resources. No more. You all can thank the loser wannabe governor Busse.

They always do. PLUS, they leave out exactly how much of the change the earth is experiencing is actually man-made and from fossil fuel. Why, because it is so small, it is very negligible. But, the "activists" sure like manipulating the number, to manipulate the simple-minded.

Be sure to bring up the effect on the environment the next time they want to expand an airport, highway, ski resort, solar/wind machine project, or housing development.
