It's not that we haven't spent enough time and effort promoting our fishing photo contest. Those of you who read the site regularly probably wish we'd just can it already. It's not that we haven't gotten lots of great entries from which we're eager to select the winners. We're just being greedy.

That said, we're putting you all officially on notice. There's now one week left to get your best photos from this past year entered in our Maui Jim Guy Harvey Sunglasses photo contest. Four pairs of these limited edition Maui Jim sunglasses featuring the artwork of renowned artist Guy Harvey, valued at $299 each, are up for grabs. We've also got some Maui Jim apparel slated for several winners as well. Last but not least, the grand prize winner will have their photo featured in the header of the Hatch Magazine web site, which surely has everyone chomping at the bit.
All kidding aside, if you've been meaning to enter your photos but have been lazy about it, get to it. If you're just hearing about this contest, despite our incessant Tweets and Facebook posts about it, now's your chance to get your photos in the mix. Entries will close just before midnight on Sunday February 26th.
Entering is quick and easy. For full contest information, including more details about the prizes, full contest rules and regulations, and to enter, head to the official contest page.