

The Ozarks thrust up while creeks slowly carved hollows and ridges
Photo: Johnny Carrol Sain

The pool is barely wider than my 9-foot rod. Riffles are mere trickles. The creek disappears just beyond the next pool, filtering through porous karst into the soil and stone itself for several yards  and then back to the surface. You don't come here for a lot of smallmouths or for big smallmouths, which is probably why barely anyone comes here at all.

Review: Winston Nimbus fly rod

The new Nimbus offers bold new looks but classic Winston action
Photo: Spencer Durrant

This year, Winston broke from tradition to introduce two completely new rod families—the Nimbus and the Kairos. The Nimbus doesn’t stray as far from Winston’s pedigree as the Kairos, though its “Big Sky Blue” color does stand out in amidst a sea of classic Winston green.

Fish speak up on climate change

Major transformations in Atlantic fisheries latest evidence of mounting implications of warming planet
A leaping Atlantic Salmon on the Big East River in Newfoundland (photo: Atlantic Salmon Federation).

The Trump administration has forbidden federal employees to write or utter the words “climate change” and is deep-sixing federal research about how humans are increasing the planet’s average temperature. “The concept of global warming,” Mr. Trump has proclaimed, “was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.”

Fish are defending the Chinese.

The biggest killer of cast accuracy and how to avoid it

There are many factors that contribute to a well-aimed cast, but none more than this
Peter Treichel of Patagonia River Guides tosses a long cast on Rio Malleo (photo: Earl Harper / Harper Studios).

Whenever I watch other flycasters, I have a habit of analyzing their casting. I mentally deconstruct their strokes to determine which parts are technically sound, and which parts wither under scrutiny. I ponder what suggestions for improvement I'd pass along if asked, and how I might phrase the wording of those suggestions. Many flaws of technique require a wholesale rebuilding of the casting stroke. Others are more easily fixed. Among the latter is off-plane movement of the rod, a common reason why many fishermen struggle to place their fly where they’re aiming.

Review: Winston Kairos fly rod

Winston enters uncharted territory with its mold-breaking new rod
Photo: Spencer Durrant

In an effort to broaden their lineup and offer more opportunities to fish their rods, Winston rolled out two new families of rods this year—the Nimbus and Kairos.

At $475, the Kairos essentially replaces the popular Nexus (a rod which, in a 9’7wt is one of my all-time favorites) as Winston’s entry-level offering. But, unlike the Nexus, the Kairos is a significant departure from the features that make Winston rods what they are and the Kairos will no doubt gain some level of notoriety for that fact alone.
