
Climate, coronavirus, and the assessment of risk

There are things to keep in mind when swinging from grapevines
Photo: Laura Betancourt / cc2.0.

When I was a kid, my friends and I had the run of four or five hundred acres of timber on the ragged edge of the bluffs overlooking the Mississippi River north of St. Louis. It was a marvelous playground with opportunities for diversion, recreation, and moderate to serious injury that were limited only by a kid’s imagination.

"It's All Home Water"—Patagonia launches fight for a fishable future

The iconic brand's new initiative aims to help anglers tear down dams, eliminate hatchery fish farms, and defend wild fish and wild waters
From Patagonia's new photo-essay, 'Steelhead Green' (photo: Jeremy Koreski).

Over the years, the Patagonia name has become almost synonymous with environmental activism and responsibility. Though the brand has long been associated with ethical business practices and environmental awareness, over recent years, Patagonia has redoubled its efforts and made environmental stewardship the keystone of its corporate mission.

Silver anniversary

When you've hunted the same property for 25 years, you learn a lot about your chances
Photo: Tom Davis

The bird was in a terrible spot, but if he was willing to gobble I had to try to call him. It’s simply in the contract.


Once we let go of the bank it will be many hours before we can rest
Photo: Tom Hazelton

We drove west into the setting sun, already shadowed by the approach of a heavy cloud bank. The put-in was only a few minutes’ ride from our campsite, and we spent it mostly in silence.

“I’m kind of nervous,” I said at last.

“Me too,” JT answered quickly, as if he had been thinking the same thing, or had been about to say it himself.

Keen sandals: Ugly but seriously functional

After a few steps, your perspective on summer footwear might change—forever
Photo: Chris Hunt

I got my first real look at Keen sandals when a buddy of mine from Sandpoint visited Idaho Falls one spring. Loren was a tireless Trout Unlimited volunteer, and a rabid angler—he’d fish for anything, anytime. So when I suggested we hit the Snake River in search of carp, he was enthusiastic.

“Do I need waders?” he asked, and then looked down at his feet. “Or will these do?”
