
Review: Winston Boron III LS fly rod

When pressed to name your favorite trout rod, which do you pick?
Fishing the Boron IIIx LS on Patagonia's Rio Frey (Photo: Chad Shmukler).

I get asked fairly often what I think the world's best trout rod is. You want to hear about it? Sweet. Here’s what you need to know.

Angler 1: “Man, I love blue.”

Angler 2: “Blue is okay, but red is better.”

Angler 3: “You guys are smoking opium. Black is, like, the best.”

Angler 4: “No, it’s orange, with a hint of purple, just like a gorgeous summer sunset on the California coast.”

Casting a tenkara rod

The design of a tenkara rod makes casting a simpler and more intuitive process
Photo: Tenkara USA

Casting demonstrations are a great way to introduce tenkara. For the last couple of years, I have had the good fortune to do tenkara casting demos at The Fly Fishing Shows in Winston-Salem, North Carolina and Lancaster, Pennsylvania and the Virginia Fly Fishing Festival.

Among the myriad benefits of fishing with a tenkara rod is how easy the rod is to cast. While the fundamental casting principles still apply, the simplicity of the outfit; just a rod and a line, make casting a very simple and intuitive process.

Trout Unlimited's American Ninja Lumberjack

Surely there's a typo there somewhere

When he was playing college football, Phil Thomas didn’t exactly stand out among his peers, at least size-wise.

“I was 6 feet tall, about 220 pounds,” said Thomas, who was a relative shrimp on the defensive line at Division III Waynesburg University. But at a couple of recent athletic competitions Thomas has felt differently.

The past two seasons Thomas has been invited to the trials for American Ninja Warrior, a popular TV show based on a competition that originated in Japan.

A personal rewilding

Chronicle of a Leopold disciple
Photo: Johnny Carrol Sain

If you don’t know who Aldo Leopold was, please, stop reading and do a Google search. I’m not kidding. If you’re into fish and wildlife and healthy ecosystems and how biological systems — from the formation of proteins on up to the biosphere — hinge on one another to encourage and enable life on this ball of rock and water, you need to know Aldo Leopold.

Record makers

Catch and release records catch on
Photo: Kris Millgate

I’m not a record holder, but I interview record holders on TV. It’s true. I’ve shot stories with Idaho’s brown trout record holder and Idaho’s hybrid rainbow trout record holder. Fine fisherman and woman. I’ve even spent time with the taxidermist turning those trout into art. The common outcome here is harvest. Those trophy trout saw their last hook the day they made the record books.
