
U.S. Supreme Court sides with New Mexico anglers over access

The high court's refusal to hear challenging arguments blocks attempts by landowners to limit access by aglers and other recreational users
Sunset over the Chama River in New Mexico (photo: John Buie / cc2.0).

Right about now, landowners in Colorado trying to keep anglers out of the rivers running through their properties are likely fuming mad.

That’s because the U.S. Supreme Court declined to overturn a New Mexico Supreme Court ruling that allows anglers to walk stream beds and banks within historic high-water marks. It’s a big deal for anglers and access advocates in New Mexico, and it will likely resonate with access groups in other states, like Colorado, where legal imbroglios over access to rivers and streams are ongoing. It could be precedent-setting.

Redesigned Redington STRIKE Euro-nymphing rod brings a bevy of new features

In its latest incarnation, the STRIKE addresses old shortcomings and welcomes several helpful additions
Photo: Farbank.

Over the last few years, almost anything and everything related to Euro-nymphing has been in demand, as the tight line fly fishing crazy continues to gain steam. Redington’s STRIKE Euro-nymphing rod was no exception, gathering accolades a fairly steady clip following its 2019 debut. But no rod is perfect and Redington went back to the drawing board to redesign a new and improved STRIKE for 2023, which it released a few weeks ago.

An ode to grayling

Affable, eager, cooperative grayling are a fish worth walking miles for
Photo: Earl Harper

There’s a modest fishing lodge on the shores of Black Lake, just outside of Stoney Rapids, Sask., where the lake dumps into the Fond du Lac River. I visited some 16 years ago, right around the summer solstice when the days were long and sunny.

And the black flies. Jesus, the black flies.

Review: Shell 583Wh Portable Power Station

On-the-go power for your outdoor escapes
Photo: Johnny Carrol Sain

In a perfect world, me getting away from it all would mean just that — no agendas, no schedules, no responsibilities, no phones, no need to make images or take notes. Heck, in my idea of a perfect world there wouldn’t be anything to get away from. Because everything would be perfect.

5 more books for fly anglers

February reading for fly anglers
Photo: Chad Shmukler

I suffer from fly-fishing book fatigue at times. While I love a good yarn now and then, it seems that our chosen craft attracts more artists and writers than, say, something a little more technical, like aviation mechanics.

Every year or so, a gaggle of new scribes (or old ones, for that matter) are so inspired by the long rod that they can’t help but push out new compilations of fishing stories that they hope will resonate with the angling masses. (Full disclosure: I’m as guilty as anyone, but it’s been a while since I’ve gone the essay/memoir route in book form.)
