
Korkers: New WRAPTR boots will last longer, fail less often

New boot construction method aims to change the way boots are built and bought
The new Korkers WRAPTR boot (photo: Chad Shmukler).

Most anglers probably think of boots as fairly blunt, unsophisticated tools. Talking boots with Korkers' CEO Brian Chaney might change that impression. Chaney talks boots much the same way reel and rod designers talk disc drag coefficients and graphite-resin mixtures: with excitement. And product designers and company executives typically get excited when new technologies and designs solve problems and offer new possibilities.

The ghost of Bob Arnold

Patience is rewarded more than action
Photo: Chad Shmukler

Running up the passage between the rock garden and the shore, I open the outboard’s throttle. Five horses give me all they've got. There are three buoys which delimit the boulder water. I cut inside the first one knowing that the shark fin boulder on my left is only a sentry. There’s still plenty of deep water before the real peril. Cutting right just a few yards from shore, I cruise through the shallow water. Someone watching from the far shore would think this run reckless, but they can’t see me in the fog.

Review: Hardy Zephrus Ultralite fly rod

The new $700 offering from Hardy puts itself in the conversation for best fly rod on the market
Photo: Spencer Durrant

Hardy’s Zenith rods, discontinued when the Wraith and Zephrus lines were introduced a few years ago, are among some of the most-loved sticks in recent memory.

Like the Zenith, Wraith, Zephrus and all Hardy rods from the last decade or so, the blanks for the new Zephrus Ultralite family are rolled in Korea. Perhaps surprisingly to some, where a blank is rolled or a rod is assembled doesn’t impact its performance or quality. In fact, the new Zephrus Ultralite from Hardy is likely my favorite fly rod currently on the market.

Photo: Corey Haselhuhn

Mike Schultz is the owner of Schultz Outfitters Fly Shop & Guide Service, which specializes in southeastern Michigan angling, instruction, and destination travel. Born and raised in the great state of Michigan, Schultzy has been immersed in the outdoors his entire life. Logging countless hours on the water each year, Schultzy has developed a vast knowledge of Midwestern waters and beyond. The bulk of his guiding and angling takes place on his home waters of southeastern Michigan; these rivers offer world-class warm-water fishing.
