
Fly fishing Q&A: Mousing at night

Insights on chasing big fish with small rodents—at night
Photo: Aaron Himrich

Getting up at 4 a.m. to be on the river as the sun rises is normal. Most anglers will find themselves up that early at least once in their fishing careers. What’s not normal is getting off the water at 6 a.m.

I got my first taste of all-night fishing this year when guide Bryan Allison—of Steinmetz Outfitters—and Chris Cutler invited me on a three-night mousing trip in Montana. It was my first time mousing, too.

Review: Sage DART fly rod

Sage's new small stream and creek-minded specialty rod hits the mark
The DART in its target environment.

In a world where die-hard anglers must have a fly rod for nearly every possible angling scenario (‘No, Honey, one rod doesn’t do everything”), rod manufacturers are happy to oblige.

Need a fast stick for the flats? No problem. A slow rod for throwing tiny flies at picky trout? Check out that sweet little glass baby that just hit the market. A tournament-legal bass rod? Gotcha. A light rod for in-close casting under brush and cover that might give smaller trout some heft?

Oh, yeah.

The charming hamlet of Lordville

Russian spies, murder, mayhem and a fishing story; sort of
Photo: John Fedorka

Traveling the mountain roads of the Delaware River Valley from Milford, Pennsylvania to Hancock, New York, Dad looks at his watch, puts his hand back on the wheel, and then checks his watch again before braking hard and muttering, “We have to do it.” Yanking the wheel and stepping on the gas, we accelerate past a sign that reads “Lordville Rd.”

New 2018-19 fly fishing gear: Standout rods

Notable new rod offerings for 2018 and 2019
Photo: Hatch Magazine

A few weeks ago, the fly fishing industry gathered as it does each year, to showoff its best new products at the annual IFTD (International Fly Tackle Dealer) show in Orlando, Florida—before the show moves to Denver, Colorado in 2019. As always, a bevy of new rods were introduced. What follows are some of this year's standouts.

The glove

Nobody deserves misery but sometimes it's just your turn
Photo: Chad Love

I know exactly—sort of—when I lost the glove. I was standing there on the back deck of a bass boat, freezing my ass off and trying to keep sleet off my camera lens, while my boat driver droned on endlessly about that goddamned fried chicken.
