
All fly fishing books: $1

A sign of the times, literally
Photo: John Juracek

When I saw the cart and sign pictured above in our local library, I was shocked. After inspecting the titles resting thereon, I had to be picked up off the floor. Here were books by Lyons and Traver, Brooks and Bergman, LaFontaine and Schwiebert. For anglers of a certain age, those are names that resonate. They mean something. Their books mean something. To see these volumes selling for a buck a piece was unthinkable. Yet there it was: Trout, Ernest Schwiebert's magnum opus, ready for the taking at a mere $1.00.

Drop shot rigs on fly gear

Adapting conventional dropper rigs for fly tackle
Photo: Stephen Longfield

Most of the best fly fishermen I know started off on traditional tackle, and many still look to their old gear for inspiration when putting together a solution to a fishy problem.

Flies tied to look and act like lures, custom rigs, and purpose-built leaders are commonplace in a fly fishing culture that is steadily moving away from its tweed-clad roots. One of my favorite nuggets of wisdom adapted from outside of the fly fishing world is the drop shot rig.

Raw sewage spills into Housatonic River

Officials reports leak less severe than originally feared
A scene from the Housatonic River near Kent, CT, downstream of the spill (photo: Bob P.B. / cc2.0).

Ask any avid angler to name western trout rivers that are famous in modern fly fishing culture and they'll rattle off a dozen without pause, just by naming rivers in Montana. Then they'll throw in another dozen from the likes of Idaho, Wyoming and Colorado. Ask the same of the East, and you'll likely garner much less prolific results. It's not that eastern anglers don't have their fair share of good trout fishing, it's just that unlike the West, the East only has a handful of iconic rivers instead of a plethora.


Colin Timothy O’Shea was crazy
Photo: Michelle Dorsey Walfred / cc2.0

He dreamed of concrete and asphalt, Plexiglas and steel, and a single blade of grass that he saw from afar. His city dream, for that’s what it was, a reflection of his hard-earned urban persona, was peopled with friends and acquaintances and colleagues; some of whom he’d known for years and others who he’d only just met. A certain few were indistinct, wrapped in shadows that defied the streetlights, but he recognized them nonetheless, as if they were his brothers or his lovers, even his parents.

Land of the free

America’s public domain was saved from the excesses of business by visionaries
Photograph from the mid-1870s of a pile of American bison skulls waiting to be ground for fertilizer, circa 1870 (photo: Unknown).

America’s public domain was saved from the excesses of business by visionaries. It was set aside for all the people. That’s how it should remain.
