
Surprise, surprise: more proof that hatcheries harm wild steelhead

Study shows that hatchery steelhead domesticate rapidly and pass it on
Photo: Daniel J. Sheets

For those that care about wild steelhead, the idea that hatchery-raised and wild steelhead don't mix has long been a matter of common sense. Wild steelhead are a marvel. Raised in our rivers and streams, they migrate to our oceans where they battle harsh conditions and staggering odds against survival. Those that do survive, and return to the rivers and streams where they were reared, pass on their uniquely adapted genetics to a new generation of wild steelhead.

Wiggle it, just a little bit

How to get the most out of trying out a new rod in and out of the fly shop
Photo: Chad Shmukler

We’ve all done it. You grab that brand new rod off the rack, hold it at arm’s length and wiggle it. But what did that just tell you? Unless you’ve cast hundreds of rods, probably little about how that rod fishes and whether or not you should add it to your ever-expanding quiver.

What about the awards a fly rod has won? What does that tell you about how right a rod is for you? Again, probably little.

Tarot cards, Dr. Phil, Meredith Baxter-Birney. Add these to the list of things that will do little to help you narrow down your fly rod choices.


Shit, fertilizer, vanity lawns and your rivers and streams
Photo: Johnny Carrol Sain

Green is my favorite color. Shades of green always catch my eye.

But the vivid yellow green, damn near chartreuse color of filamentous green algae is a troubling sight when the goopy mess is clogging what should be a clear pool in one of your local feeder creeks. McCoy Creek was the afflicted stream.

Mangroves matter

How saltwater trees help anglers
Photo: Kris Millgate

As a child, I was painfully shy. As an adult I’m painfully shore shy. There’s a big difference. I talked to no one when I was little. Now I talk to everyone, but ask me to cast toward the bank and I’m shy. My fly-casting arm becomes ramrod stiff. The willows of western water eat more of my flies than fish do. It’s true. I hang a lot of money on bank branches.

Three fish, one hook

The fly-fishing-from-a-bait-boat spectacle
Photo: Kris Millgate

My bare feet are spread farther than shoulder width apart. That’s my best option while standing in the open bow of a bait boat rolling in the ocean like Popeye’s dingy.

The 1970 Proline is better than a dingy, but it doesn’t feel like it in the soggy weather. We’re barely beyond the beach and already I can’t see a single speck of Sanibel Island because of the fog. It’s out of sight, but not out of mind. The island’s priority is preservation. In fact, 70 percent of the region is protected in its natural state.
