
Fishermen use a vacuum to transfer menhaden fish from a purse seine net to their vessel.

After the ASMFC (Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission) passed a historic vote in December, quantifying the first ever limits on the commercial harvest of Atlantic Menhaden, the battle to finally recognize the resounding importance of the tiny Menhaden may finally be coming to a positive end in Virginia, the epicenter of the debate. Virginia's fishery is responsible for 80 percent of the entire US Atlantic menhaden harvest. Currently under way in the Virginia state legislature is the process to formally adopt the measures set forth by the ASMFC.

The 2013 limits established in December by the ASMFC marked further culmination of years of effort by activists who have struggled to bring to light the plight of the unassuming menhaden, also known as bunker or pogy. In November of last year, organizers delivered a petition advocating for protection of the menhaden fishery to the ASMFC with over 90,000 signatures. In his book, "The Most Important Fish in the Sea", author H. Bruce Franklin describes the virtually important role of the menhaden to the fisheries of the Atlantic as a whole, a role in which menhaden are "they are crucial to the diet of bigger fish and they filter the waters of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, playing an essential dual role in marine ecology perhaps unmatched anywhere on the planet."

As home to the vast majority of commercial menhaden fishing and the only menhaden reduction facility on the east coast, owned by Omega Protein, the state of Virginia is most affected by the limits placed by the ASMFC. Omega Protein, who will bear the financial brunt of the commission's decision, has argued that the stock of Atlantic menhaden remains healthy, despite scientists warning that populations may be depleted as much as 88% from historic levels and indicating that menhaden stocks may be headed for a collapse. Fisherman who make their livelihoods have stated that caps on harvest limits may "put Virginia out of business".

Thomas and Thomas NS5

A little over a year and a half ago, when Thomas & Thomas announced the sale of all company assets and its manufacturing facility, the response from long time Thomas & Thomas rod owners was a bit unexpected. Typically, when brands with long histories and a loyal customer base change hands, the reaction is considerably negative. However, when word of the sale was spread by then CEO Gerry Metcalfe, the news was overwhelmingly met with cautious optimism.

The fact of the matter was that the T&T name had lost its luster in recent years due to a myriad of reasons that included slipping product quality, poor customer service and a general lack of innovation. Customers looking to purchase a premium fly rod had moved on to brands like Sage, Scott, Orvis and G. Loomis, amongst others. Thomas and Thomas was no longer on most people's must have list. The buzz was that the new owner, Florida based businessman and fisherman Mark Richens, had the zeal and determination to get the company back on track and once again seat Thomas & Thomas amongst the pinnacle of fly rod makers. As we approach 2013, the Thomas & Thomas name is well on its way to restoring its former glory, due in no short part to the T&T 'No Sanctuary' NS5.

Despite countless days on the river, apart for some scuffs and scrapes from rocks and some pine sap, the Storm Front backpack is no worse for wear.

We've inadvertently gotten into the habit of cutting to the chase when it comes to gear reviews. No more setting the stage, leading the reader in, and feigning objectivity only to deliver our verdict to a wanting audience. Partially, this is because that format is pretty boring and tired. Mostly, however, it's because -- if one of us is taking the time to write about an item -- we're passionate about it, one way or the other.

You just want to know if the rod, reel, bag, pack, accessory, etc we're writing about is worth your hard-earned money or just a piece of junk, right? That said, I'll get to the point: I have three favorite possessions in the world and the Patagonia Stormfront Backpack is one of them. It joins another Patagonia product, the Patagonia Nano Puff (which we reviewed last year), in this oh-so highly exclusive group of my favorite possessions. The third item, in case you're wondering, is a cheap bottle opener inscribed with a gradually wearing away Sam Adams logo. I received it from a ditzy girl wearing a low cut top who, along with two cohorts, invaded a normally quiet local bar in order to promote some unsavory concoction Sam Adams was trying to peddle at the time. Not unlike the other two items in this elite group of three, my Sam Adams bottle opener does what it is supposed to do with minimalist, simplistic ease and rugged toughness. It's also worth mentioning that, in a house where nothing smaller than a piano lasts more than six months without disappearing, it somehow has remained a fixture.

The Gardner River in Yellowstone National Park

By Gaspar Perricone, Co-Director of Bull Moose Sportsmen’s Alliance & John Land Le Coq, Founder of Fishpond, Inc.

October 31, 2012 (DENVER, CO) – Denver’s recent Presidential debate offered discussion on an array of issues intended to answer the question of who is best suited to serve as the leader of our nation. For many of us who live in the West, one topic was mysteriously absent: the candidates’ positions on conservation and public lands. This omission did not go unnoticed.

Neither President Obama nor Governor Romney (nor the moderator) recognized the sportsmen, farmers and ranchers, or environmentalists that have looked after America’s great outdoors for generations. And most germane, they appear to have overlooked the connection between the conservation of our outdoors resources and the economy and jobs.

Damnation Movie Poster

This summer has been quickly slipping away, and I've spent the latter half of it with my head mostly up my ass. Between heading to Yellowstone and all the organizing and planning that went along with it and countless other projects that are getting juggled (and poorly, at that), a lot of things have gone unnoticed. So, that said, I totally missed the early July release of the trailer for Damnation (which was, at some point, renamed from the working title 'Amend').

If you're not familiar with the project, Damnation is the latest effort from filmmakers Travis Rummel and Ben Knight, which focuses on dam removal. Rummel and Knight regularly turn out freakishly-good films about fishermen, fly fishing and the natural environments that surround them. 2010's Eastern Rises, which documents an expedition to Kamchatka, does as good a job of explaining the passion that drives most fly fishermen as well as, or better, than any thing else I've ever seen. The more recent Red Gold is a documentary on the ongoing issues surrounding Alaska'a Bristol Bay and the proposed Pebble Mine. Red Gold was recently licensed by PBS for their similarly titled report, 'Alaska Gold'.
