Most anglers enjoy a good fly fishing film festival during the winter. The films energize us for the upcoming spring when rivers thaw and fishing improves. Watching world class anglers from near and far bringing in beautiful fish keeps our winter cabin fever at bay while we dream of things to come.
Every once and a while, a fishing film comes along that moves us in other ways. Whether focused on the arena of conservation or on relating a heartfelt story, these are films that are about more than just fishing. Silo4's A Deliberate Life, which is now available for the first time in its full-length version, is a fishing film that touched me in ways other films never have.

Filmed in Idaho and Oregon, A Deliberate Life searches the souls of friends brought together for their willingness to take a leap and not tolerate just getting by with life. I think we can all relate to that in some way, but only a few of us make the attempts and sacrifices it truly takes to make priorities in order to live a life of happiness with no regret.

The film originally premiered at the International Fly Fishing Film Festival in Denver, Colorado in January 2013, but it’s since been edited and extended into a 33 minute thought-provoking piece available on Blu-ray and OnDemand. While it centers around fly-fishing and the west, the film focuses more intently on life, priorities and love. The film's producer, Matt Smythe, put it best saying, “It’s not about quitting your job necessarily, but making sure you keep the important things in life at the top of your list. Work and money and all that will follow the positive steps you take. It’s universal, really. It doesn’t matter what you do to make a living.”

The team at Silo4 has put together an inspiring story that is told from many perspectives, with each of the film's characters relating how they live their life deliberately by following their passions. You can grab a copy of the newly released Blu-ray or view the film's trailer at Also be sure to sign up on the site to receive more information on showings near you.