If you haven't stumbled across and had a chance to check out Flood Tide Co.'s apparel, you should remedy that. For a couple of years now, Flood Tide's Paul Puckett has been creating some of the most alluring fishing shwag out there. The gear all features Puckett's art, much of which is an odd-sounding but giddily-pleasing blend of famous celebrity movie characters and fish. And, while I'll likely never forgive Paul for failing to get me one of his now discontinued "Walter" shirts -- which featured John Goodman's character Walter Sobchak from the Cohen Brother's ridiculously well done The Big Lebowski -- that doesn't mean I'm not keen on laying my hands on lots of Puckett's other art.
Flood Tide offers stickers, shirts and hats, including the newly available Gadsden Crab Hat with a "Don't Tread on Me" patch, seen below. Hopefully, some day soon we'll see some of Puckett's art available as prints, because I have walls waiting for much of it.

Be sure to check out Flood Tide Co by heading to their website, and by visiting their Facebook page.