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by dirksunvalley - Thursday, Oct 30th, 2014
As I get ready for an upcoming saltwater trip, I’ve been enduring the challenges most right-brained thinkers deal with when it comes to organization and preparation. For...
Words: Todd Tanner. Images: Tim Romano and Jeremy Roberts.
There are days when I’m not convinced our society can tell the difference between a blessing...
Years ago, when I was busy coordinating media trips into some of the last remote places in the country, all with the intent of sharing the challenges our last great, wild...
A native cutthroat trout found only in the Arkansas River drainage of southern Colorado, and once on the brink of extinction, is now reproducing naturally in waters where...
Norman Maclean wrote A River Runs Through It, the book which inspired the Robert Redford film of the same...
Not everyone can afford to go out with high-priced guides, or stay at fancy fly fishing lodges, or attend top fly fishing schools. At the same time, most folks I know...
A native cutthroat trout found only in the Arkansas River drainage of southern Colorado, and once on the brink of extinction, is now reproducing naturally in waters where...
Lauren replied on Permalink
Wow - take a look at that texture! replied on Permalink
Brown trout, underwater
Abstract, but clear as the water this brownie came from.
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