A True Fishermen
by KNelson - Saturday, Oct 5th, 2013

by KNelson - Saturday, Oct 5th, 2013
As I get ready for an upcoming saltwater trip, I’ve been enduring the challenges most right-brained thinkers deal with when it comes to organization and preparation. For...
Words: Todd Tanner. Images: Tim Romano and Jeremy Roberts.
There are days when I’m not convinced our society can tell the difference between a blessing...
Years ago, when I was busy coordinating media trips into some of the last remote places in the country, all with the intent of sharing the challenges our last great, wild...
A native cutthroat trout found only in the Arkansas River drainage of southern Colorado, and once on the brink of extinction, is now reproducing naturally in waters where...
Norman Maclean wrote A River Runs Through It, the book which inspired the Robert Redford film of the same...
Not everyone can afford to go out with high-priced guides, or stay at fancy fly fishing lodges, or attend top fly fishing schools. At the same time, most folks I know...
A native cutthroat trout found only in the Arkansas River drainage of southern Colorado, and once on the brink of extinction, is now reproducing naturally in waters where...
Victoria Hollis replied on Permalink
Looking at him and seeing his
Looking at him and seeing his love for fishing and the outdoors makes me smile knowing he is doing what he loves to do.. See no matter what your body is telling you, your mind, heart and soul is telling you different.. Through Christ all things are possible. :)
John replied on Permalink
Christ almighty.
What does Christ have to do with this? The old guy is suffering through pain to do something he loves. If Christ had anything to do with it, the guy wouldn't need a walker to help him get to the stream...
Mike replied on Permalink
Rick W replied on Permalink
You don't seem to understand Christ or the verse (Philipians 4:13) that your commenting on. Pain and suffering are part of our physical life on earth. My faith in Christ helps me cope with my pain and not just give up. I hope someday to get back to the thing that brings me so much pleasure, fly fishing.
I would love to help you understand what Christ has done for you. Feel free to contact me.
Ed replied on Permalink
Maybe he has a net on the bottom of the walker.
Who knows, perhaps he's scooping up fish by using a special net on the bottom of his walker. Fishermen are quite ingenious sometimes.
Bob replied on Permalink
courageous commitment to loving and living life in the fullest terms. Amen
Thomas Lee replied on Permalink
Fishing is in my blood, it keeps me balance and alert, with quick reflex. I am 72+ and still ride the high waves. Yes I will keep on fishing until God sends me a summon.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Is there a way that I could
Is there a way that I could buy a copy of this picture from you?
Jason replied on Permalink
Great Photo!
This tells it all. Nothing will stop the passion we have for the pursuit. Love this image!
Jason @ www.wired2fish.com
KNelson replied on Permalink
I'm glad everyone has enjoyed
I'm glad everyone has enjoyed this pucture as much I as I have.. It was a awesome morning fishing and I'm so glad I captured this picture, so I can keep this memory forever.
Hope replied on Permalink
I have to tell you that we have all studied this picture and we are convinced that it is one of our family members. Did you happen to get his name?
KNelson replied on Permalink
No I did not.. I wish I did
No I did not.. I wish I did though it was a really neat scene and I will never forget it! Where is you family member from? He he married and does he have a young black lab?
Barb Durham replied on Permalink
A True Fisherman
Would love to buy a print of this from you. Email me.
KNelson replied on Permalink
True Fisherman Prints
I would be willing to print off some 8x10 prints and mail them to anyone interested for $15 each photo. If interested email me at penningcows@yahoo.com
KNelson replied on Permalink
True Fisherman Prints
8x10 is the largest I can go due to it being taken with my iPhone.. However send me a email and we can discuss details but $15 and I can get you one.
Stacy replied on Permalink
Man with walker
This is a photo of my father while he visited his sister in Tennessee. This was not his walker. But he knew he had limits. He passed away Dec 7, 2013. RIP William D Tweet
Emily replied on Permalink
Can I just say how much this photo truly moves me? This is all about not letting anything getting in the way of what we feel we were born to do.... beautiful photo, KNelson. Good eye for capturing the moment.
Fanie Fourie replied on Permalink
I can only pray that I will
I can only pray that I will also be allowed to spend my last days fishing even if I have to do it this way. This really is a true fisherman.
Steven Nelson replied on Permalink
Best picture ever!
Lynn T replied on Permalink
This picture is stunning. It shows a die hard fisherman that doesn't let age or constraints slow him down. LOVE this picture :-)
Annie LaVoie Parrish replied on Permalink
So inspired by this picture.
margotmcox replied on Permalink
If you have ever fished the Caney fork, and seen the fog roll in and out each morning, it is something you will never forget and you will take it with you wherever you go in life. This is a place that calls to you no matter where you are, or how old you are and this man is the true example of that! It is a true connection to this river that is remarkable! We have moved, the only thing we will miss as much as my family is the Caney! Kendra--- I hope you win this!!!! and I cant BELIEVE the four of us have never been fishing together!!!!!
Robin Williams Coble replied on Permalink
Awesome picture
Awesome picture
RandyR replied on Permalink
This is awesome, I think most
This is awesome, I think most of us see ourselves in this pic.
KNelson replied on Permalink
Link to ebay to purchase
Ervin Cserni replied on Permalink
Die Hard Fisherman
That's awesome-that's me someday. I to am a die hard fisherman. We I was 9 years old my Dad said we are going fishing on Saturday. I was stoked. I was getting ready in the days before the fishing trip. Saturday comes and it's raining-raining a lot I still wanted to go. My Dad said "you can't fish in the rain" Yes we can! one thing lead to another and I was in my room for the rest of the day. I'm 53 now and I do fish in the rain, snow, the heat, the cold with a cast on my arm etc. So I know that this guy is a long life die hard fisherman. right on keep on fishing.
Andrea replied on Permalink
Oldies but goldies
I hope I'll have this strength... A master of the art, unlimited respect. Greetings from Italy
I love fly fishing. replied on Permalink
Love, passion and dedication
Love, passion and dedication favorite hobby.
The other crap and shame the marketing of the picture.
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