Each year we say a lot of the same things in summarizing our annual photo contest. Things like that we received a lot of great entries, that the decisions were difficult, and that we're privileged to be in the position of to amass and share such a fine collection of fly fishing imagery both now and throughout the coming year. And we'll say it all again this year. Not because those are the sort of things you're supposed to say, even if it they are, but because they're true.
As we've noted repeatedly throughout this year's contest promotion, this year's collection of prizes — highlighted by a grand prize that includes a 6 day / 7 night trip to The Palometa Club in Ascension Bay, Mexico and including over $10,000 in prizes all told — is by far the largest we've ever had the pleasure of giving away. Thanks to the generous sponsors that made this year's contest possible — The Palometa Club, Tailwaters Travel, Stickman Rods, Abel Reels, Airflo USA, Smith Optics and Simms Fishing — we've spent the last month or so poring over contest entries, faced with the burden (read: fortunate luck) of having to decide which photographers walk away rewards like these:
Grand Prize: A 6-day/7-night trip to The Palometa Club in Ascension Bay, Stickman Rods T-10 fly rod, Abel Super Series reel, Airflo Chard's Tropical Punch fly line, Smith ChromaPop Polarized Blue Mirror sunglasses, Simms Fishing sun protection apparel.
First Prize: Stickman Rods fly rod, Abel Super Series reel, Airflo Chard's Tropical Punch fly line, Smith ChromaPop Polarized Blue Mirror sunglasses, Simms Fishing sun protection apparel.
Second Prize Airflo Chard's Tropical Punch fly line, Smith ChromaPop Polarized Blue Mirror sunglasses, Simms Fishing sun protection apparel.
Third Prize: Airflo Chard's Tropical Punch fly line, Smith ChromaPop Polarized Blue Mirror sunglasses, Simms Fishing sun protection apparel.
Fourth Prize: Airflo Chard's Tropical Punch fly line, Smith ChromaPop Polarized Blue Mirror sunglasses.
So what do you do when you've tallied all the votes and two images tie for the grand prize? Go back to drawing board? Revote? Break up the prizes? As it turns out, it's not that complicated after all.
Without blathering on any further, let's get to it. For a refresher on this year's prizes and official photo contest rules, head to the official contest page. Otherwise, view the gallery below for this year's runner up and winning selections.

quincy jackson replied on Permalink
Nolan hops
I know that guy sitting on the boat with a cigarette in his mouth Looking real dirty The best fisherman I know And we have fun drinking at the best bar in Charleston j.c bar and Grill.
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