This year's emergence of the 17-year periodical cicada, or magicicada, has proven to be a highly localized affair. Travel along the road in some of the areas expected to see a cicada emergence this spring and you may see trees and shrubs blanketed by cicadas in various life stages. Cross a ridge line or a hillside and you may see none. Even in areas where cicadas have emerged, they may not make their way to the water, in order to delight unsuspecting trout and impatient fishermen.

During a busy spring that has presented precious few opportunities to spend time on the water, earlier this week we headed out in search of cicadas and eager trout. And luckily, we found both, thanks to a bit of persistence, research and helpful advice. The day that resulted was a memorable one filled with beautiful scenery and easy catching the likes of which are rarely, if ever, otherwise seen on eastern waters.
As many folks whose backyards are littered with cicadas already know: the cicadas are here. And where they've made their way to the water, fish are eating them, gorging on bountiful protein. If you're willing to spend the time to chase them down, you'll find your own stream filled with trout eager to aggressively take your sloppily presented cicada pattern. Use the resources available to help you track cicada sightings, research the waterways in the areas where the big bugs have been spotted and get out there.

DDon replied on Permalink
Wow. I can't believe the bulging stomach on that first fish.
Green_Drake replied on Permalink
Is that one of the patterns from the other article?
Chad Shmukler replied on Permalink
Yep. That's one of the Montana Fly Company patterns.
Chad Shmukler replied on Permalink
The Card's Green River Super Cicada, to be precise.