Wading boots, as far as they've come over the years, are not hiking boots. Even if you pony up hundreds of dollars for some of the finest models on the market, you're still getting a dumbed down version of a hiking boot. They're a compromise created by the dual requirements of needing a wading boot to do the things a good hiking boot does, but also be suitable for sticking neoprene wader booties into and being submerged under water most of the time.
Quality hiking boots do many things: they feature good latitudinal and longitudinal stability, provide traction on varying terrain, offer good arch support, fit comfortably and so on. All of these aspects combine to allow the wearer to safely hike long hours, over long distances, in relative comfort. Quality wading boots strive to do all of these things as well, but the aforementioned requirement of also allowing the wearer to jam a foot wrapped in a bulky, neoprene sack comes along and essentially ruins the effort.
I don't design boots for a living, nor do I claim to really know anything about it, but the equation seems relatively simple: if a boot needs to fit a wadered foot, aspects of that boots design that make it fit well -- like a properly-sized toe box, well-sculpted mid-sole, etc -- go out the window. Wader booties are bulky and vary widely in size and density. A boot that fits a wadered foot doesn't fit the foot at all, it fits a swollen, disfigured version of a foot.
This is all well and good for the wader-wearing angler. And, as mentioned, wading boots have advanced by leaps and bounds in recent years. Current incarnations of models from companies like Patagonia and Simms have left me considerably impressed, offering vastly increased comfort and agility in considerably lighter packages when compared with boots from 10 or even 5 years ago. But, as soon as those waders come off, these best-in-class boots become a disappointment at best and a nagging pain at worst.
The reason is simple and obvious: once the waders are gone, the boots don't fit well anymore. Thick, wool wading socks help a bit, but not much. Neoprene wading socks help a bit more, but don't ever seem to approximate the booties on waders. More importantly though, the waders are gone. Why would I want to wear bulky, uncomfortable neoprene socks in an effort to recreate the bulbous, rubber-wrapped version of my foot wading boots are designed to fit?
I'm a bit unusual here in the east, where I'd guess the majority of anglers spend most of the year in waders. I ditch mine the moment the weather and conditions allow, often before, and don't look back till I have to. I never miss the waders. And while I'm not in the majority out east, I'm also not alone. There are plenty of wet-waders out there. In the west, countless anglers stow their waders after runoff and don't even think about them until summer's gone.
So, with the waders and their bulky, blocky rubber sock feet out of the way, I want a wading boot that fits. One that fits the same way my hiking boots do, but that also drains water. Doesn't everyone?
Evidently not. It's been years since a dedicated wet wading boot was on the market and the few that were didn't stay on the market long. Simms made the wet wading boot shown above for a couple of years, and owners of the boots raved about them, but they didn't survive in the lineup. There are plenty of wet wading shoes, but most -- if not all -- of them aren't studdable and they don't offer ankle support. I'm not interested in wet-wading in sneakers. Many of the rivers I fish are tough, treacherous rivers to wade and doing so in glorified sneakers is likely nothing more than a recipe for a broken ankle.
I've talked with decision-makers at some of the industry's top companies and the word seems universal: wet wading boots don't sell.
I understand that having dedicated boots for wet wading is a luxury. Still, I find it hard to imagine that I'm alone amongst my wet wading friends in wanting more out of a wet wading boot. Hell, I've considered drilling water-drainage holes in my Asolo Fugitive GTXs. Sure, they're a bit heavy, but they fit like a dream. So, if no one is going to make wet wading boots that fit for me, perhaps I'll just make my own. Ultimately, though, I haven't because I realized that I'm not keen allowing all the things I don't understand about boot design to lure me into destroying an expensive pair of hiking boots.
Simms looks like they may be looking to test the market again with their new-for-2014 Vapor boot (not studdable), which seems to be designed with wet waders and hiking efficiency in mind. I look forward to getting those on the water as soon as possible. But, with few if any other options on the market, the choices are strictly limited.

For the time being I'll continue to wear my oversized, boxy wading boots through wet-wading season, cinching my laces down as tightly as I can while cursing their lousy fit. I'll consider buying the same boots in a smaller size, but won't, realizing that those boots are only designed to fit a bulky, distorted version of a smaller foot. At some point, maybe someone will decide that there's a market in wet wading boots again. Or, maybe bringing the issue up publicly will reveal to me that I am indeed alone in preferring to hike in and out of my summer streams, up and down the banks of the rivers I fish and along the streambeds of these swift flowing waters in boots that actually fit.
PoconoTrout replied on Permalink
I've been bitching about this for years. I had those old Simms boots and wore them into the ground. Even though I don't wear felt anymore, I'd consider it if those boots were still around.
Howard Levett replied on Permalink
I've been pretty impressed with the shoe that Korkers offers. Changeable bottoms depending on your choice and terrain. Of course I have regular wading boots for when I'm wearing waders and switch to the Korkers when I'm wet wading which is most of the time.
Chad Shmukler replied on Permalink
Which model, Howard?
Howard Levett replied on Permalink
I just bought them a few months ago and can't remember which model but they got one advertised now called the Boxcar. It's a tennis shoe looking thing but the sole is removable and they have a choice of different soles, felt, studded, etc.
PoconoTrout replied on Permalink
... and I looked at the vapor boot too. Still haven't seen it in person, but they do looks still made to take waders too ... so I'm not optimistic ... but the neoprene lining might be a positive sign that wet waders come first.
Mike Sepelak replied on Permalink
The Vapors perked my ears up too and may have to be looked at more closely. I already have three pairs of Simms wading boots; G4s for my waders, some flats sneakers, and a pair of felt soled Freestones for wet wading my local bass waters. But hiking very far in the felts is a skate, especially downslope in the autumn leaves, so the Vapors have me thinking pretty hard...
Todd Tanner replied on Permalink
Chad - Seems like you could pick up a pair of your favorite wading boots in a smaller size and be halfway home. Of course, I don't wet wade. Never saw the need. If it's too hot for waders, it's too hot to fish.
Mike Sepelak replied on Permalink
"If it's too hot for waders, it's too hot to fish."
Spoken like a true trout fisherman, Todd. For those of us who chase everything else, escaping the waders is a joy.
Todd Tanner replied on Permalink
Mike - I fish most of the summer wearing shorts under my waders, and that works up to 90 - 92 degrees. If it's hotter than that, chances are good that the fish aren't biting anyway. The trick is going with the lightest, most breathable waders around. Of course, some folks love any excuse to get wet, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with wet wading - as long as you don't mind shivering after the sun goes down. But I spent years guiding summers in neoprene, and after that particular experience, I can tell you that good breathables aren't much different than wearing a nice mid-weight pair of pants - with the added benefit of staying dry and un-wrinkled.
Mike Sepelak replied on Permalink
A perfectly reasonable argument, Todd, and I bow to your logic - especially considering your Montana roots. Here in the South, the heat holds through the night so shivering after the sun goes down is a lot less likely.
And yes, I'm one who loves any excuse to get wet.
Chad Shmukler replied on Permalink
Todd --
Come east, where we have humidity.
Too hot for waders, for me, is right around 70 degrees. I can handle 75 or even 80 on a breezy and/or cloudy day, but after that I'm done.
A hot, humid day in even the best breathable waders is still torture.
Gordon replied on Permalink
Chad, I am also an Eastern Wet Wader on our freestones. I am using the simms noeprene sock with a shredded set of patagonia boots and now a new set of G3 boots, both studded. I don't like the neoprene booty and more stuff to dry out, as well as wearing a midweight to heavyweight sock to get them to fit right. I still don't think I would overcome this to buy a dedicated wet wading boot(I have keen sandals for that if traction is not a concern) as I can bear with the tools I have and I seem to identify that there is an over-tendency to want N+1 pieces of gear in a perpetual equation of need...N being what I have now(fly rods, hip/sling/chest bag, fly rods, reels etc...Keep it simple and just wear the neoprene socks.
jerry replied on Permalink
Nice article. What's your thought on wet wading in Alaska where average temperature is about 60 in July? Would it be too cold? What kind of pants would you wear?
John replied on Permalink
You are definitely not alone. I echo all of your sentiments. Just last week I was looking for a pair of light weight hiking boots that would drain, are inexpensive enough to be one year boots, yet could stand up to being soaked. I've looked at the shoes, but I don't want shoes. I want to be able to comfortable hike a trail and fish for a few hours or more. I never wear neoprene booties, walking with your foot in a bag of water is the fastest way to blisters known!
I hope this Simms boot hits the mark. If it does I'll buy two pair so when they go off the market for another 5 years I'll have them.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
The Simms wet wading boot at the top was one of the best boots i've ever owned. in fact i still have them and have looked everywhere for something similar but to no avail. i've contacted Simms several times to see if there is a plan to reintroduce but never really got anything definitive. I am going to try and take my wet wading boots to a shoe guy and see if he can repair the soles fo rme in the meantime.
Chad Shmukler replied on Permalink
Simms recently announced a new wet wading boot is coming back. More here:
Kevin replied on Permalink
Just wondering if you have ever switched out the cheap flat insoles that come with the boots for a thicker "shaped to your foot"
Insole, the ski industry puts out plenty options,worth trying, they'll tighten up the slop in the boot and add much needed and missing arch support. First thing Every work, ski, snowboard, hiking, attached neoprene wader boots get, and soon to be wading boots if I can make up my mind. I'm live in BC Canada and do enjoy the short time I can get to wet wade. When you need the room you just go back to thinner insole. Cheaper than buying a whole new pair of boots.
Karl Klavon replied on Permalink
You are not alone and I have suffered through the same problem for many years until a few years ago, when I discovered Five Ten SAR (search and rescue) Canyoneering Shoes - Now discontinued but still available from some retail outlets that still have them in stock. But you can take a look at their latest boot here: https://www.amazon.com/Five-Ten-Mens-Canyoneer-Water/dp/B00O61W3V8
Ernie replied on Permalink
I am just stumbling across this page now, as I search for non-waders wet wading boots. I am out here in CA and I fish the surf much like Montauk people do, in a wetsuit. A few people have tragically died out here on the coast when using waders recently.
So I am a wetsuit person, and just need a wading boot/shoe for saltwater and not for use with Waders. Looking around even today, there is not much choices for me.