Simms' Guide Boot has become one of my favorite pieces of gear. Following is what is far from a detailed product review, but offers up a quick look at what I've come to love about these boots.
The Simms Guide Boot is one of Simms' higher-end wading boots. That said, it retails for just under $200, which keeps it well in line with boot offerings from other manufacturers. Though there are definitely cheaper boots out there, even from Simms itself, paying a reasonable premium for footwear can be considered good sense in many ways. Lousy boots can ruin an otherwise stellar day of fishing, and fast.

After almost a year of trudging around every manner of stream in these boots, I can safely say these boots deliver, big time. Coming from 2 years in a pair of disgraceful Korkers, wearing the Simms Guide Boots is like night and day. For one, these things feel like real boots, not moon boots with wader booties stuffed inside them.
Here's an example: in the past, when multi-mile hike-ins have preceeded fishing, I've often opted to pack separate footwear for the hike in. The prospect of blisters, twisted ankles, you name it, from ill-fitting wading boots made the annoying task of lugging along a second pair of boots easily worth it. With the Guide Boot, there's no reason to bother. Sure, they're not going to give you the same thing a real, properly fitted hiking boot will, but for relatively non-technical hikes -- they'll handle what you throw at them.
Their fit once wet offers much of the same, especially if you take the time to stop after an hour or so and tighten up your laces once the boots have softened up from being soaked. Don't do what I do and avoid this helpful 60-second chore out of laziness.
Simms was one of the first boot manufacturers to ditch felt soles in order to reduce transmission of stream-bred diseases. This boot features Simms StreamTread™ Vibram rubber sole which, like other rubber sole replacements for felt, has generated it's fair share of controversy. Here's the deal: ignore the crackpot felt sole zealots out there and get with it. This shit works. Pair it with a set of Simms star cleats (which Simms will happily gouge you around $30 bucks for) and forget about it.
The boots also have a number of other technological aspects which aid in reducing the transmission of stream-bred pests. Simms calls it CleanStream™.
What else? The boots lace up easily, go on and off easily, and clean up easily. That's it. What else is there to know? If you've been eyeing these, buy with confidence.