

Part 1: The Christmas Bloom
Illustration: Jake Keeler

Carter tucked the denseweave up under his goggles to be sure that the bridge of his nose was covered. The sun was a mean one today. It had been since the Christmas Bloom, twelve years past.


The Most Perfect Morning in the History of the World
Photo: Dan Keck

Archie felt so good he had to push down the guilt. It was his nature, as a God-fearing son of the prairies, not to take pleasure in the misfortune of others. But this time he couldn’t help himself. It was too delicious. He was gleefully, ecstatically happy.

Not that he’d had a hand in the thing, although the struggle for restaurant supremacy in South Sioux City had been waged for years, bitter as any blood feud. He hadn’t even wished for it, at least not in any but the oblique, diffuse way that one daydreams of a future in which one’s rivals fall victim to calamity.

Review: Redington GRANDE fly reel

After over a year of testing, our thoughts on Redington's newest big game stopper
Photo: Chad Shmukler

I can still remember my first "real" fly reel. As a brand new fly angler, I had dumped almost every penny I had into a rod—a handsome, noodley 5-weight Diamondback that I still break out of the basement every few years when I'm feeling a bit nostalgic and know that I'm going to spend the day mostly throwing dry flies. Because virtually every dollar I had went into that rod, the reel that I paired it with was unimpressive to say the very most.

A grouse named Goofus

Did that really happen?

“Here, Goofus. Hey, Goofus, come on. Let’s go, Goofus.”

The man doing the calling was Jack Carlson. After meeting Jack at his cabin in the Sand Country of central Wisconsin—not far, as the crow flies, from a certain spring pond where I’ve done some business with brookies over the years—I climbed on the back of Jack’s ATV. We skirted a marshy pond, then rumbled part way up a slope stippled with pines and oaks. There, Jack cut the engine.

The last generation of trout anglers

The future for trout looks increasingly bleak
Photo: Chad Shmukler

Scientist the world over have gushed enough terrifying data on the perils that accompany human-induced climate change over the last decade to where many across the globe are now numb to it. Rising sea levels? Got it. More frequent and more severe storms? Check. Longer droughts? Understood. Ocean acidification? Uh huh.
