
Nautilus Reels intros special edition 'No Pebble' XM reel to help stop Pebble Mine

Limited-run reels will help raise thousands of dollars crucial to helping to protect Bristol Bay
Photo: Nautilus Reels

Oh, Pebble Mine. The nightmare that seems intent on recurring for all time, asking native Alaskans, commercial fishermen, recreational anglers, hunters, birders, hikers and lovers of wild places from all walks of life to forever present a front of resistance against the foreign mining company seeking to build one of the world's largest open pit mines at the headwaters of the Kvichak and Nushagak rivers in Bristol Bay, Alaska—home to the world's most productive salmon fishery and a $1.5 billion economic engine for the state of Alaska.

Review: Sage IGNITER fly rod

Sage's latest KonneticHD rod is built for heavy rigs, big fish and tough conditions
Photo: Matt McCannel

It’s one thing when a rod manufacturer claims to have crafted the best rod for any particular scenario—as I’ve noted before, rod-makers are happy to oblige in building rods for any niche.

It’s quite another thing when said rod does exactly what the manufacturer says it will do.

Class of '67

The original endangered species—where are they now?
Fall on the Snake River in eastern Idaho, where endangered species recover protected by Land and Water Conservation Fund (photo: Kris Millgate).

I'm researching the heavy hitters of my homeland. Grizzly bears. Bald eagles. The iconic feathers and fur of the Endangered Species List. They were both list bound when 'endangered' became a buzzword half a century ago. So were 73 other animals, including 21 fish. Those 75 species are officially called the Class of 1967.

How to capsize a sailboat with a woolly bugger

Despite a very hard-earned engineering degree, I can’t quite get the physics to add up
Photo: Ansgar Koreng / cc2.0

I had a recurring, crazy girlfriend once, the kind that only comes around when you have better, saner options. The thing about that kind of crazy is that it’s somehow contagious and you do crazy things, too. Like answer the phone. But she also had the beautiful side of the crazy-beautiful curve pretty much pegged, and we all know how that goes.

The 6wt E

At the intersection of passions there often lies magic
Photo: Mike Sepelak

At the intersection of passions there often lies magic. Overlapping devotions compound and exponentiate in weird and wonderful ways, lifting each to stimulating new heights. But, just as often, at those same crossroads lies madness and the sad truth is, when in the throws of passion, it’s hard to tell the difference between the two.
