
On fire

I’m slowly becoming the odd man out
Photo: Wray Sinclair

My life stands at the critical juncture where, as Gary LaFontaine once said, young whippersnappers need to consider events of merit, like marriage, a mortgage, and a minivan.

I’ve considered them. I ruled out the minivan immediately.

Most of my friends passed this stage in life years ago, and while they debate names for unborn children, I’m trying to decide what to have inscribed on my next fly rod. Do I go with my full name, or name the rod after one of my favorite streams?

The pear-shaped paradox

No bird exemplifies the hunter’s paradox of killing what you love more poignantly than the woodcock
Photo: Rodney Campbell / cc2.0

Ernie always swings for the fences. This has been his m.o. since he was a pup, and he shows no signs of throttling back and adopting a more measured, moderate approach. You’d think that at his age he’d be satisfied simply to make contact and get on base once in a while, but that’s not Ernie’s style. If he can’t knock it out of the park he’ll take a mighty cut and go down swinging, dammit.

If nothing else he’s proved true to the spirit of his namesake: Ernie Banks, the Cubs Hall-of-Famer who expressed his boundless joy for the game in his signature phrase “Let’s play two!”

Pebble isn't the only mine you need to know about

A roundup of proposed mines that might be coming soon to a fishery near you
The proposed Pebble Mine site (photo: J. Spear / cc2.0).

Mining is essential. The device you’re reading this on requires mined minerals. The same goes for your vehicle, your house, the symbol of your marriage. Like it or not, these necessities require minerals that must be extracted from the ground through sulfide mining.

Patagonia launches Action Works to help bolster conservation activism and involvement

New service for grassroots organizations and individuals aims to propel a new era of activism
Content: ©2018 Patagonia

"There needs to be a response that matches the size of the crisis," says Lisa Pike Sheehy, Patagonia's Vice President of Environmental Activism, expressing the Ventura, California company's frustration with the daunting and mounting challenges facing the conservation and environmental communities. For many in those communities—or simply for those that care about wild landscapes, clean air and clean water—it's been a tough year.

A blue ribbon angler

Craig Matthews helps set the standard
Photo: Patrick Daigle

Some years ago, I had the opportunity to write a profile about Leon Chandler. Leon was known as America’s Ambassador of Fly Fishing and he was one of those rare people who far surpassed his press clippings; supremely talented, yet ever humble, generous and gracious. Spending a few days with Leon was one of the highlights of my angling life.
