
Silver anniversary

When you've hunted the same property for 25 years, you learn a lot about your chances
Photo: Tom Davis

The bird was in a terrible spot, but if he was willing to gobble I had to try to call him. It’s simply in the contract.


Once we let go of the bank it will be many hours before we can rest
Photo: Tom Hazelton

We drove west into the setting sun, already shadowed by the approach of a heavy cloud bank. The put-in was only a few minutes’ ride from our campsite, and we spent it mostly in silence.

“I’m kind of nervous,” I said at last.

“Me too,” JT answered quickly, as if he had been thinking the same thing, or had been about to say it himself.

Keen sandals: Ugly but seriously functional

After a few steps, your perspective on summer footwear might change—forever
Photo: Chris Hunt

I got my first real look at Keen sandals when a buddy of mine from Sandpoint visited Idaho Falls one spring. Loren was a tireless Trout Unlimited volunteer, and a rabid angler—he’d fish for anything, anytime. So when I suggested we hit the Snake River in search of carp, he was enthusiastic.

“Do I need waders?” he asked, and then looked down at his feet. “Or will these do?”

Choosing an all-star dry fly lineup

A half dozen Hatch Magazine readers will join the School of Trout online this Saturday
Photo: Jeremy Roberts

Do you have a hard time picking the right dry fly when you’re on the water? Are you more comfortable with nymphs? Or streamers? Do you struggle to tell a good dry fly pattern from a not-so-good dry fly pattern?

If you answered “yes” to any of those questions then you might want to participate in an upcoming first from The School of Trout.

Review: LaCrosse Venom snake boots

Waterproof comfort and agility wrapped in fang repelling armor
Photo: Johnny Carrol Sain

Twice in my life I’ve accidentally stepped on a snake. Both encounters happened during my teen years.

The first time, I simply felt movement transmitted through my shoe’s sole, which sent a jolt through my soul, as I knew what creature was likely underfoot but had no idea of the species. It was a speckled kingsnake, who seemed no worse for wear with my foot on its back, and slithered off with my apologies.
