
Simms to donate $50k to ongoing Yellowstone flood recovery

Sales from special edition Watershed waders will help fund park recovery work
Photo: NPS

In early June 2022, floodwaters ravaged the northern tier of Yellowstone National Park, destroying roads and bridges and wreaking havoc on communities from Gardiner Mont, north through Paradise Valley and beyond the fishy little town of Livingston.

Giving fish the finger

An alternative fly casting grip to consider
Photo: George Daniel

What is the best fly-fishing grip? The simple answer is: the grip that feels and works best for you. Period. Though there may be no fly fishing topic that earns the ire of internet fly casting trolls, also known as the “casting police,” most of these individuals live in an echo chamber where they preach about the One Way to fly cast. What these individuals fail to understand is that no single fly casting style is best for everyone. While there are certainly tactics that work best for the masses, there’s always a minority in need of another approach.

The muskies most likely to hit a fly? You might be surprised.

A new study reveals surprising details about musky behavior
Photo: Riplips Custom Musky Flies.

This just in. Muskies are hard to catch. That is all.

OK, that’s a little simplistic, but the results of a new study show that muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) are, indeed, the “fish of 10,000 casts,” and that catch-and-keep practices involving muskies might be the worst thing anglers can do for the musky fishery and for other anglers.

Interview: Montana Brothers Rodworks' Dan and Doug Daufel

An interview with two of the world’s most interesting fly rod designers
Photo: Dale Spartas

For at least the last 30 years, the majority of fly rod manufacturers have moved in the same general direction. Fly rods have grown stiffer and faster, which means they require more force to bend and they’re harder to cast. At the same time, the consensus among America’s top anglers seems clear. Today’s rods are not as much fun to fish.

EPA issues final determination blocking development of Pebble Mine

Thirteen years later, Pebble Mine's millions of opponents finally have something to cheer about
Spawning sockeye salmon gather at a creek mouth in a lake in the Bristol Bay region of Alaska (photo: Chad Shmukler).

Thirteen years after tribal communities in the Bristol Bay region of Alaska first petitioned the federal government to use its authority under the Clean Water Act to protect the watershed from the threats posed by the proposed Pebble Mine, those communities finally have something to celebrate. Today, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized 404(c) Clean Water Act protections that will stop the proposed Pebble Mine from being built at the headwaters of Bristol Bay.
