
The Tarpon King

Belizean Guide John Moore has helped anglers land thousands of tarpon
Photo: Camden Spear.

Maybe it’s my own creeping seniority or the aching knees, chronic back pain and the general disdain for that morning “warm-up” period — you know, that time it takes to find a limp-free gait from the bed to the bathroom — but I’m starting to appreciate older things these days.

First, older things are still around because they’re worth having around, right? They’re of value. They function. They serve a purpose. They work.

Great balls of fire

When all else fails, throw the dog in
Photo: J. Plenio.

Sweet memories: The high-summer days as July drifts into August. Cole Porter’s lazy, hazy, crazy days as time sprawls soporific in the warming sunshine. The beer and wine are on ice and all gently fusing in the company of old friends.  A river burbles nearby while an occasional splashy fish shows mid-riverWhat could be better?

Invasive brook trout return to Soda Butte Creek

The National Park Service will once again apply piscicide to kill all fish in the creek in another effort to rid Soda Butte of nonnative species
Fisheries biologists on Soda Butte Creek (photo: NPS).

One step forward, two steps back. In what has to be a disappointing development for fisheries managers in Yellowstone National Park, non-native brook trout are once again swimming the waters of Soda Butte Creek.

The fish of one cast

During the iconic hex hatch, less is often more
Photo: Tuomo Leino.

My route to the river takes me south and then west, and about halfway through the southern leg I noticed that the sky on the southwestern horizon—where my destination lay, generally—had an ominously dark cast to it. I resisted jumping to any conclusions but a few miles later, after I’d turned due west and the flatlands of central Wisconsin unfurled expansively ahead, that oily smear in the distance resolved into a ragged curtain of rain, a curtain torn at irregular intervals by pale slashes of lightning.

Scott intros new Swing fly rods, built for those who do

Scott's new fly rod series features 14 one- and two-hand models for anglers that swing
Photo: Scott Fly Rods.

As we’ve noted many times when breaking the news about a new fly rod series from the venerated Montrose, CO-based rodmaker, Scott fly rods tend to hang around. That is, the team at Scott tends to bring new rods to market when they’ve built something that they think markedly outperforms what it’s replacing or offers something entirely new, rather than just adhering to a marketing lifecycle calendar. The beloved Radian held onto a spot in Scott’s lineup for the better part of a decade.
