One of the great things about chasing redfish is that you can do it year round in Altantic shore waters as far north as Virginia and all the way around to Texas's Gulf waters. If you've ever tried to fish for these spooky, cruising fish with a line not suited to the task, you learn quickly that the wrong tools make the job significantly harder. Lines that wilt in high temperature situations won't shoot the way you need them to and lines that won't load a rod quickly and allow for quick casts with a single back cast will often cause you to miss your chance. That's why fly line manufacturers make lines specifically for warm saltwater destinations. Some, like RIO, take it a step further and tailor lines specifically to individual species such as Redfish.

We're giving away one of RIO's Redfish fly lines, a floating, weight-forward 8 weight line. Since we haven't had the pleasure of getting this line on the water (thanks to a redfish trip laced with lightning storms and downpours), here's some stuff RIO wants you to know. The RIO Redfish line has a short back taper designed to help deliver quick casts. The line has a hard coating designed for saltwater, which RIO says helps anglers maintain excellent loop control. Throw in front and rear end welded loops and RIO's AgentX and XS coatings, which help repel dust and reduce friction, and you've got one of the favorite redfish lines currently on the market.
If you're looking to chase redfish for the first time, or are nursing an old line that the saltwater is finally having its way with, throw your name in the hat for a shot at this line. Here are our shameless instructions: First, like Hatch Magazine on Facebook and/or Follow us on Twitter. Then, like this post on Facebook or tweet it on Twitter using the links at the bottom of the article. Finally, drop a comment below telling us where you'll fish the RIO Redfish fly line and a bit about why you're in the market for a new line.
ginkthefly replied on Permalink
This one's mine.
Headed to Louisiana for Redfish next spring. Would love to bring this along. Will be my first time out for redfish. Can't wait!!
Brian Sims replied on Permalink
I love Rio's products, and I could totally use a new line,
A group of us are headed to New Orleans in Jan. and that would be a prime time to lay out some line.
Brian Furderer replied on Permalink
I have horrible luck when it comes to stuff like this, but just in case I get lucky this time I will be using the fly line on Pine Island Sound.
Brian Furderer replied on Permalink
Clicked 'save' too soon. I don't own a saltwater fly line and I'm going down to Ft. Myers this winter so winning a line would be great.
Kevin Archer replied on Permalink
I'd use it to chase reds down on the Texas coast. I've been four times and still have yet to land a red. Trout, pompano, ladyfish, and others but no reds so maybe switching it up to a line that is named after them will provide me with some much needed good juju.
Chad Shmukler replied on Permalink
Brian Furderer -- your entry was selected as the winning entry. Use the site contact form to send us your address so we can send your line!
Congrats, and thanks to the others who entered.
Brian Furderer replied on Permalink
Thank you guys so much. Hopefully I can hook up with a few redfish this winter.