
Photo: Hank Patterson

Each year, around this time, the Fly Fishing Film Tour (F3T) emerges from the darkness to help us through the bleak midwinter with films that tell compelling stories, satisfy our curiosity about exotic locales, introduce us to the rich tapestry of personalities that pervade our sport and more. 2018 is no exception.

This year's lineup consists of 8 films and a few shorts which will take viewers to destinations including Alaska, Honduras, Tanzania, Dubai, Costa Rica, Gabon and more.

For my wife

Between the wall and the river are oaks, and the trail down to the Solitude Pool
Artwork: Bob White

The river is bordered by oak. In truth, there are other trees on the surrounding hillsides — maple, birch, the occasional willow — but the oaks give the river it's character, it's flavor. As the vintner's barrel shapes the wine, so a hardwood defines this narrow New England valley and the river that shares its name.

The Missouri River in winter (photo: Todd Tanner).

I have a cautionary tale I’d like to share. Forgive me for not painting a more eloquent picture, but everything is still a bit too real, and raw, to gussy it up with pretty writing.

Yesterday was January 2. It was also very nearly the last day of my life.

I drove down to the Missouri River on New Years Day - Wednesday, the 1st - hoping to take advantage of the 40 degree weather and test a bunch of gear for our annual Sporting Classic fly fishing equipment review. I spent most of Wednesday afternoon on the river, and despite the cold water temps - it was in the 33 to 34 degree range - I had solid fishing and the opportunity to check out a number of new rods, reels, waders, jackets, packs, etc.

For those of you who don’t know the Missouri, it’s a big, wide, open river near the tiny Montana towns of Wolf Creek and Craig. It deserves respect - as does any big river - but it’s not the kind of water that typically gets people in trouble. Yesterday was a little different.

The most read stories of 2017

A look back at year marked by controversy and debate
Photo: Gage Skidmore / cc2.0

It is likely a gross understatement to say that 2017 was a transformative year for the American political landscape. The American electorate is divided and political discourse more rancorous and contentious than perhaps ever before. And with the new administration taking a decidedly different approach to managing the health of our air, water and landscapes, the outdoor community is facing an existential crisis—many have decided to take an increasingly activist stance in seeking to defend against threats to our outdoor and sporting heritages.

How to drink your way through the fishing day: Northwest Washington

Your guide to the best beers, wines and spirits on the steelhead, salmon and trout waters of the Pacific Northwest
Photo: Earl Harper / Harper Studios

As a one-time beer journalist and bar owner, current nano brewery partner, and overall miscreant, it’s probably surprising that I actually have any time to fish. However, since days that include alcohol before sundown have largely been deleted from my databanks, there turns out to be large swaths of non-drinking time to fill. At the end of any good day, though, I’m reminded of what my Sensei said when told that the other Senseis decided that perhaps they should stop drinking beer at the dojo, which was also a Buddhist temple. To this he replied, “I’m 83 years old.
