
Crackpots, not cowboys

Oregon occupation a case study in mission drift, lack of principles
Pile burning, part of fire prevention efforts at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge (photo: USFWS).

The rugged ranch-reared sons of Nevada cowboy-turned-grazing-fee-cheat Cliven Bundy aren’t the salt-of-the-earth ‘Merica-loving cowboys you might think they are.

No sir.

Ammon Bundy, the leader of the so-called militia group, Citizens for Constitutional Freedom, owns and runs a fleet vehicle repair service in Phoenix. His brother Ryan works in construction when he’s not in and out of southern Utah courtrooms for odd-ball offenses like letting his horse roam outside of its corral or interfering with an arresting officer.

Seeking refuge: from Darling to Malheur

Contrasting perceptions of public lands from one coast to the other
Photo: Kris Millgate

The first time I visited a national wildlife refuge in Florida, I couldn’t see a thing. The power on Sanibel Island was out. I could only hear the ocean rolling in the licorice colored light.

A week later, I couldn’t see a thing when I visited a national wildlife refuge in Oregon for the first time. White fog as thick as marshmallow cream smothered the land. I could only hear cattle calling in the heavy mist.

Weather conditions weren’t the only striking difference. The comparison of public lands from one coast to another within a week’s time provides intriguing contrast.

Off-the-river fly fishing

Productive ways to keep your head in the game during the winter months
Not exactly dry fly season (photo: Armin Vogel).

My waders came off surprisingly quickly. My icy rod left to dry outside. I rushed into the kitchen to prepare a nice warm tea. The winter months had finally arrived. The last feasible fishing trip had been made.

The days themselves get shorter during the winter months. But for us fishermen, they seem to only get longer and longer. The idea that beneath the ice – fat, rested brown trout are lying – is constantly haunting our minds. Some say the cold helps the brain think clearly. If anything, for us anglers, it only serves to jumble our thoughts.

Belize bonefish basics

A handful of tips for flats first timers
Photo: Kris Millgate

As soon as it snows, I think sand. I haven’t always had such gritty thoughts, but the fetish easily buried itself in my mental makings the first time I fished Belize in the winter.

I kicked off my snow boots with reckless abandon and ran barefoot on the beach chasing bonefish. Fishing without freezing is a delight and I took to Belize winters well. I stopped shivering, I stopped layering and most of all, I stopped whining. Seven days of warm in the middle of seven months of cold is all I need to make it through an Idaho winter.
